Aimee White is a deeply committed systems-oriented, Collaborative, Participatory, and Empowerment evaluation professional with 15 years of experience in community, nonprofit, corporate, and foundation evaluation practice. The majority of her work has been performed as the President and Principal Evaluator of Custom Evaluation Services Inc., a private independent evaluation consulting firm. She recently stepped into the Wandersman Center as a Senior Fellow. The topical areas of expertise are complex systems change initiatives (population-level change) addressing whole community and whole life-span initiatives, brain science (adverse childhood experiences, trauma, and resilience) child abuse and neglect prevention, ex-offender reentry, and poverty mitigation. The client base over the years has included small program-centric nonprofits organizations, many United Ways (including local, state, and United Way Worldwide) focusing on complex community change initiatives, several large foundations funding complex community change initiatives, and state contracts attempting state-level systems change. Aimee’s educational foundation for her evaluation work is Political Science, Educational Leadership, Educational Theory and Policy, and Social Work received from Vanderbilt University, The Pennsylvania State University, and The University of South Carolina. She served on the American Evaluation Association’s National Board of Directors as Board Member-At-Large for a three year term from 2014-2017 and is the currently serving as President from 2019-2021.